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Our lady of Charity is the patroness of the beautiful country of Cuba. Many-a Cuban ascribe this special lady to countless miracles - from healing the sick to protecting newborns to finding a life partner. Cuban believers and non-believers are united in their affection for the Virgin of Charity and over the centuries, she has become a quintessential symbol of Cuban identity.
They even have a cute nickname for her Cachita which shows just how much a familiar member of the Cuban family she truly is.
Cubans and those with a connection to the island travel the world with their Cachita relying on her to help protect and encourage them with daily decisions both small and large.
Cachita a.k.a Our lady of Charity, not only helps with miracles but she is a symbol of unity, uniting both believers and nonbelievers, Cubans near and far, Christians, capitalists and socialists, popes and paupers She has an affectionate pull that everyone of the island feels connected to.
As if we didn't love the country of Cuba & their people enough already! We love the shared passion and unity that Our lady of Charity both represents and brings aboutÉ don't you?